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Our speakers will be sharing their experiences, strategies and knowledge. Who are you going to watch?

Proudly supported by

Seema Alexander

Co-Founder & Co-Chair + Head of Growth, DC Startup Week

Joseph Blackman

Founder, Vitendo Solutions

Robert Bornhofen

Director of Innovation, DC Water

Dr. Charles Bott

Chief Technology Officer, Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD)

Christine Boyle

Partner, Burnt Island Ventures

Emmanuel Briquet

CEO and Founder, Searen LLC

Ameet Chaudhury

Founder, Aruna Inovation

Andrew Condon

Founder, AquaDynamics

Amy Conley

Director of Business Development, Clean Waters (The Heritage Group)

George Diefenthal

CEO, NeoTech Aqua Solutions, Inc

Tom Dobbins CAE

Chief Executive Officer, Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA)

Zachary Dorsey

Director of Strategic Operations, WateReuse Association

Dave Feldman

Founding Executive Director, Bethesda Green

Ian Fisk

Founding Executive Director, Mentor Capital Network

Paul Gagliardo

Podcast Host, The Water Entrepreneur Podcast

Maria Gotsch

President and CEO, Partnership Fund for New York City Environmental Tech Lab

Stephan Gottke

Chief Business Development Officer, BÃœFA Cleaning

Gokul Krishna Govindu

Founder/CEO, SmartTerra

Doug Hatler

President, Environmental Business Ventures, LLC

Patrick Ho

Founder, Forager Station

Mark Hogg

Founder/CEO, WaterStep

Bill Irvine

Co-Founder, Kara Water Inc

Scott Jacobs

Executive Director, Queen City Angels

Paul Kling

Chief Executive Officer, kW River Hydroelectric

Julia Kumari Drapkin

Founder and CEO, ISeeChange, Inc

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