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Jennifer Loudon

Founder/CEO, Intelligent Water Services Environmental innovator bridging environmental science/engineering and information technology.

About this speaker

Jennifer Loudon is a self-starting environmental scientist with experience in wet chemistry, microbiology, molecular biology, ecotoxicology, marine biology, protein biochemistry, sustainability, information technology, fundraising, and project management. Her project areas have included solid waste and wastewater management, water treatment, anaerobic biodegradation and bioremediation of halogenated organic compounds, aquatic ecotoxicity analysis, and Green Fluorescent Protein purification and utilization. A 'Water Warrior’ with 15 years in the water/wastewater industry, and 4 years in the blockchain space, she's an environmental scientist who started out in the lab and developed an additional passion for data and its interconnectivity. She is also available as an independent consultant, grant writer, and private tutor.

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Controlling the "Flood" of Water Data for Utilities while Reducing Costs and Cybersecurity Risks with Intelligent Water Solutions' Jennifer Loudon

August 27, 2024, 09:00 PM
Jennifer Loudon Cat Shrier

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