Smart Monitoring of Leaky Toilets to Save Water and Money with H20 Connected LeakAlertor's Susan Springsteen
A Talk by Susan Springsteen (President, H2O Connected LLC)
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About this Talk
In this Interview, we meet Susan Springsteen who is the President and Co-Founder of H2O Connected, a Water Efficiency Technology Company based in Coatesville, Pennsylvania. H2O Connected specializes in creating innovative products like the Leakalertor, which helps detect and diagnose water-wasting issues in toilets, ultimately saving water and money.
"We make it easy for anyone with a toilet to save water and money, one flush at a time."
Pitch/Reverse Pitch:
Don’t miss Susan’s Pitch for H2O Connected and the Leakalertor, which you can find on the video from [4:34] to [14:09].
After the pitch, we discuss:
- The development and impact of the Leakalertor technology, which installs easily in toilet tanks and detects nearly every type of water loss, helping users avoid costly water bills and property damage.
- The importance of water conservation, especially in light of increasing water costs and the growing strain on water infrastructure due to population growth and urbanization.
- H2O Connected’s commitment to sustainability and community impact, including their efforts to provide jobs to returning citizens and individuals in recovery, as well as their dedication to making their products in the USA.
At [20:07], Susan discusses the critical relationship between water and electricity, highlighting how reducing water waste can also alleviate the burden on the electrical grid and lower greenhouse gas emissions.
At [34:18], Susan advises water startup founders to focus on demonstrating a clear return on investment (ROI) while staying passionate and resilient. She emphasizes the value of participating in green tech incubators and being coachable to navigate the complexities of the water industry.