Matching Water Startups with Investors and Clients in Europe and North America with Watervent's Ulf Leonhard
A Talk by Ulf Leonhard (CEO/Founder, Leonhard Ventures/Watervent)
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About this Talk
In this Interview, we meet Ulf Leonhard who is the Founder of Watervent, a Water Technology Matching Forum based in Potsdam, Germany. Watervent is a platform that connects water technology innovators with investors and corporate partners globally.
"Water is not just a commodity—it's a vital resource, and the innovation in this sector is crucial for our survival."
Pitch/Reverse Pitch:
Don’t miss Ulf's Overview of Watervent, which you can find on the video from [3:24] to [3:48].
After the overview, we discuss:
- The challenges and opportunities in the water sector, especially in the face of climate change.
- The differences in water innovation between Europe and the U.S., particularly regarding regulation, investment, and public perception.
- The importance of decentralized water treatment technologies, especially in areas with infrastructure limitations.
At [32:32], Ulf shares his advice for European startups looking to break into the U.S. market, emphasizing the importance of finding local partners and understanding the specific water challenges and regulatory frameworks in different regions.
At [34:47], Ulf highlights the need for practical, easy-to-maintain water solutions, particularly in regions with limited resources or infrastructure, noting that "sometimes, simple mechanical solutions can be more effective than sophisticated, high-tech innovations."